Meet the selected TOP 25

For 12 years the Nordic Cleantech Open competition has served as an observation tower for the up and coming cleantech innovation trends that will support the transition to a low carbon reality!
For 12 editions the Nordic Cleantech Open has brought together entrepreneurs, investors, industry and government to shape the innovation landscape with the goal of building a more sustainable future. The organizer of the competition, Cleantech Scandinavia, aims to bridge the gap between innovators looking for funding and venture capital looking for new opportunities of climate impact investments.
The 25 selected companies bring promising and ready-to-scale innovations and market proposition, and they were selected out of 133 applicants by a jury of about 70 international members from venture capital firms, multinational industries, the utility sector, development agencies and the public investment scene. These experts were the ones to analise the 133 applications based on their level of innovation, market potential and the ability of the team to execute.

Voltan Lähienergia
Voltan provides sustainable heating and cooling solutions as a service for large properties, utilizing site optimized geothermal technologies.