Innovation with the potential to curb the global warming curve and move the world into a sustainable development path is being invented and developed all over the world. The innovation flow is great and if implemented at full scale it would have the potential to take the planet a long way towards sustainability and climate neutrality. Capital has started to flow in the direction of cleantech innovation or at least been divested from some of the non- sustainable activities previously supported. Some markets show signs of growth, powered by government policy, cost efficiency and consumer awareness. However, the pace in upscaling, globalization, market implementation is slow and too slow to have the kind of impact it could have in our time pressured need to solve the big climate and sustainability issues.
The Global Cleantech Summit – Investing for impact – will gather some of the top investors and other financial actors with experience, knowledge and interest in finding solutions to how the pace of upscaling, globalization and market implementation can be accelerated. Investors and other financial actors from all parts of the world will be invited to this, by invitation only, event. One unique selling point for this event will be that the active participation will be truly balanced international. The location of Dubai makes this possible.
The event will be multifaceted, including high profile keynotes and panel discussions as well as more tailored workshops, individual meetings and ample opportunities for networking. It will also provide the financial community with a selection of the most promising cleantech solutions ready to take off.
In order to maximize the return on travel investment for all European and American participants, we are organizing a pre-event with the aim of getting to know the cleantech investment landscape in 3 of the most important Emirates: Dubai, Abu Dhabi, and Sharjah.
We will attend part of the Abu Dhabi Sustainability Week events, visit financial centers and innovation hubs, and more, all within a high- profile group of participants from the Global Cleantech Summit as well as our partners from the Dutch Dubai delegation and the European Women’s Association (EWA).
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We have a full house!
Thank you for the registrations – please contact us if you have any question.
Our Supporting Partner
The Swedish Energy Agency is the national authority for energy issues in Sweden. We work for the use of renewable energy, improved technologies, a smarter end-use of energy and mitigation of climate change. The Agency’s vision is a sustainable energy system. The Agency finances research and development of new energy technology and actively supports business ventures that can result in increased growth in the Swedish and international market. We also support the development of existing products and functions so that they become more energy efficient. The Agency’s yearly budget for research, innovation and commercialization is around 160 million Euros and approximate 16 million Euro was earmarked to the new close-to-the-market support programs for innovations. With the support programs, the Agency has the possibility to support both smaller and bigger projects in different stages in a more efficient way than before. This is, for example, done by collaboration with innovation environments and with our grant-programs (Concept development, Verification with customer and pilot and demonstration).
Stay tuned for the new programs at https://www.energimyndigheten.se/en/
Advisory Board


Speakers & Panelists


The Pavilion
The Forest

In addition to a full day of bolstering the cleantech sector with climate impact innovations and capital, the Swedish Pavilion will focus on new ways to build The Smart Society, including topics such as tech, life science, next-generation transport, Industry 4.0, new materials, smart cities, and circular bio-based economies.
It’s a wrap!
Global Cleantech Summit 2022
On January 20th a group of impact investors, industry actors, and climate tech innovators gathered at the Swedish Pavilion at Expo 2020 in Dubai.
They all had one thing in common: a commitment to solve the climate crisis.
Here are some of the highlights!
1. Panel Discussions Around Burning Questions in Climate Impact Investing
Industry Toward Net-Zero
Steve Severance, Masdar; Serio Hike, Alfa Laval Middle East, Shanbor Gupta, Clean Energy Fund and Joanna Osawe ABB/WiRE (Women in Renewables) discussed:
- The main challenges with reaching the Net Zero Goals
- What Net Zero strategies will mean for companies’ innovation strategies; internal R&D, Open Innovation and Investment, short- and long-term.
- The likelihood of these goals being reached and the most important factors for success (policy, regulation, committed leadership)
- How to effectively measure potential impact of new technologies when deciding on investments
Capital Flows as a Driver of Innovation with Positive Climate Impact
Participants: Richard Gröttheim, AP7, Temple Fennel, Clean Energy Ventures, Diako Makhmalbaf, HSBC Bank, Jochen Wermuth, IC German Sovereign Wealth Fund KENFO, Magnus Agerström, Cleantech Scandinavia discussed:
- The significance of green deals and green infrastructure investments and how they affect the panelists’ own investments
- The urban financing gap and the role of private capital in implementing and scaling innovation in areas such as electrification, circular economy solutions, digital Infrastructure solutions, deep energy retrofit of buildings
- Investments in cleantech are going through the roof at the moment. So do we need more capital? How can more capital support the globalization of cleantech solutions?
- What could or should be done to make sure that the investments made are actually having the desired climate impact
Women in Cleantech Investment
Participants: Laura Fostinone, Cleantech Scandinavia, Aisha Bukhari, MaRs Accelerator, Yulia Stark, EWA, Ida Beerhalter, IOME Family Office (Saudi), Alexandra Kornilova (The Good Climate)
- The role of women in driving the systemic change to a sustainable future
- How to increase the engagement of women in cleantech
- Data on how more women wealth owners – especially next gen – being interested in cleantech and technologies that focus on sustainability
- How professional organizations can influence an increase in female founders and investors in the cleantech sector
2. International Showcase of Innovations with High Positive Climate Impact
Meet the companies that pitched and check out their pitch decks here.
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Our exclusive platform of Nordic and Baltic cleantech companies offers a unique opportunity for our international community network of investors, industrials, real estate companies, cities, service providers and the public sector.
We are the trusted source of cleantech-related investment opportunities, business intelligence and investment statistics in the Nordics.
Today we have more than 50 members, including venture funds, industrial ventures from leading multinational companies, energy companies, cities, service providers and government organizations. We have members from all continents with one common interest – Nordic and Baltic cleantech innovation.
In addition to providing deal flow, network activities, we also offer consultancy services on an individual assignment basis.
Find more about our work here.