Jury Assessment

It’s time for the Jury to meet and evaluate the applicants of the 12th Nordic Cleantech Open!
Before you start, we would like to remind you that:
- The applicants provide information that may be with pending patent, therefore, the contents shall not be used nor shared outside of your organization.
- We do our best to allocate to you only the companies that are within your scope of interest. However, as Nordic Cleantech Open is an Open Call, we have to guarantee that each company will have a distributed evaluation among the Jury. For this reason, you may have received cases that are not under your main area of expertise and interest, nevertheless, we count on your evaluation, support and diligence to review these cases as well.
- Take your time to browse and check the other company’s folders that were not allocated to you. And the Excel file with all the applications!
- This is a startup competition about what is coming next, so you get to know trends and the opportunity to meet these companies first hand. We also welcome companies that are in a later stage, however most of the applicants are early-stage startups.
- You are expected to provide grades for all the companies allocated to you regarding their Innovation, Market and Team and also a written feedback with your impressions, questions and advice to the innovators as you read their cases. This is of extreme importance and value for the applicants, so we insist that you reserve some time to provide that feedback.