Per has been a Venture Partner at ETF since inception. Based in Stockholm, he sources new investments in the Nordic region as well as helping ETFs existing portfolio companies grow. Before ETF, Per ran GE-s business across the Nordic region and the Baltic States. Per has also worked at Motorola Semiconductor Europe, where he held various senior positions in Sweden, UK, Germany, and Switzerland.
This Hall of Fame is a homage for all the years that Per has been successful in attracting international venture capital to the Nordic region, pushed many innovations forward by investments and guidance and for being our close member and friend at Cleantech Scandinavia.
Soon to be retired from his tenure at ETF Partners, we welcome Per Ericsson to the Hall of Fame of Cleantech Scandinavia and we share a bit of our recent chat with him, with some perspectives, advices and plans moving forward.
Having worked with many startups and investors, his main advice to start-ups is to find and work close with a potential customer to see what they need. “Simplicity is always best and having closeness to a customer is key to keep your product innovative yet simple”. For Investors, he says to “avoid big capex as everything takes much longer times and cost more. Prepare an exit plan and establish who will be the off taker from the beginning.”

When asked about his perspective on big industry and the adoption of innovative solutions, Per believes that it is an area that startups still need to improve: “Big industries have always looked at more efficient ways of production but for small start-ups it will take time to get into companies production and get approved, sometimes it can take more than 5 years. I have seen super technologies that do not fit in a cost-effective production line. A piece of advice at early stage is to talk to potential customers regarding what they need and not what you hope that they need.”
About these special times we are living in, he believes that the pandemic will slow down cleantech investments and business, maybe some will not survive, but in the longer term he thinks there can be an extra push to improve the environment and investors deciding to increase their portion of impact investment. Moreover, Per’s impression is that everyone is talking to increase the investments in impactful businesses, however, investors like pension funds must make sure that new technology can deliver same or better yield than today’s technology. “It’s up to the Cleantech segment that they can show improved profitability not just improved environment benefits”.
His plans for the upcoming retirement is to “enjoy for the first time in my life with an empty calendar” (good one, Per!) and to keep an eye in possible investment opportunities.
The official motivation is: “Per has meant a lot to the Nordic Cleantech sector for bringing ETF Partners, one of Europe’s most active Cleantech Venture Capital Fund, closer to the region and for supporting many Nordic entrepreneurs with valuable advice and contacts.”
As the previous nominees, Per Ericsson received a piece of art from renowned famous glass artist, Christian Svensson.
We would like to thank Per Ericsson for his immense contribution to the Cleantech sector and for being our partner and friend for all this year. We wish you great days of summer and a joyful life ahead!