Research Affiliate - MIT, Materials Research Laboratory

Dr. Val Livada has been an active member of the MIT/Boston innovation ecosystem for over 35 years. He has consulted on issues of technology and strategy with Global 300 companies, and on entrepreneurship with startups, universities and regional entities around the world.

Dr. Livada is the founder of the Corporate Entrepreneurship Network and sits on the Board of Directors of the AutoHarvest Foundation, the Built Environment Coalition, Aphios Corporation and Polynva Composites. He participated on the Board of Advisers of United Technologies Innovation Council, the Building Global Innovators accelerator in Portugal, Greentown Labs, MassRobotics Accelerator,  ENRICH East Coast Centre and numerous startups

Dr. Livada has been a Visiting Lecturer, Research Associate and Senior Lecturer at MIT and has taught the “Corporate Entrepreneurship” course at MIT Sloan School of Management. He has participated in grant/award selection committees for the Massachusetts’ Technology Transfer Center, Harvard University, Northeastern University, the US Dept of State’s Global Innovation through Science and Technology initiative and National Science Foundation.