Impact Cafe Podcast with Stephanie Chretien

On our second Impact Cafe podcast we have a great discussion on impact, investment and the Paris Green Fund with Stephanie Chretien, Sustainability and Impact Officer at Demeter.

Enjoy the conversation and take part on the discussion! Let us know your thoughts about impact and let’s advance in the sustainability transition. We are looking forward hearing from you!

The Nordics at the heart of the hydrogen revolution

Green hydrogen for a net zero Europe 

Green hydrogen is gaining incredible momentum worldwide as it is one of the key technologies to reach the net zero target. As such, it is a central element to the decarbonisation of energy systems under the European […]

Sustainable City Finance videos already available!

The Smart City Business Event was a 3-day-long event full of workshops with some of the most advanced actors in the Smart and Sustainable City arena in Europe. Promoted by RVO, ITEA, Vinnova and Cleantech Scandinavia, one of the series of the event focused on the side of Sustainable and Smart City finance. The main goal was to discuss the […]

Impact Cafe Podcast with Andreas Stubelius

The first episode of our Impact Cafe podcast will introduce Alicia Requena as a host, interviewing Swedish Energy Agency Senior Porfolio Manager Andreas Stubelius. We will hear about innovation, the importance of impact and impact assessment, different impactful solutions and much more.

Join the conversation, send us your insights and opinions, and let’s all discuss about the future! We are looking forward hearing from […]


Join this free digital event on Hydrogen to understand how the Nordic hydrogen industry can further drive innovation and stimulate market growth.

Whereas the focus of the hydrogen industry differs slightly at a national level, the combined forces of the Nordic countries create opportunities for more #entrepreneurship and #innovation across technologies […]


Estonia and Sweden will be co-hosting a Virtual Forum with Matchmaking on March 18th  lead by respective ministers of both countries. This event will be an excellent opportunity to meet with the most innovative smart and green mobility solutions along with a chance to contribute to the panel on the […]

The GreenTech Village is now officially in operation!

The kick-off event was a great success (working around Covid19 protocols) and the wave of enthusiasm during the event will carry over directly into action!

What our esteemed guests had to say:
Fredrik Ljunghill (Deputy Mayor, Lund): “I’m delighted to see the first and only cleantech community in the EU here […]

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